
Cris Formage az Epsilon Program alapítója és vezetője.

3D Univerzum[]

1992-ben Lazlow interjút készít vele az Entertaining America-ban. A műsorban tagadja, hogy az Epsilon Program szekta lenne, ő úgy írja le, mint "hasonlóan gondolkodó felnőttek közössége, akik pénzt adományoznak megváltásért és plecsnikért cserébe." Van egy riválisa, Darius Fontaine, akit az ördögnek nevez. Az interjú végén Lazlow így jellemzi Crist: "alkoholista önistenítő szektás".

HD Univerzum[]

GTA Online[]

A játékos első halála után megjelenik, és elmagyarázza a Passzív mód lényegét és újraéleszti a játékost.


Cris Formage and the Epsilon Program are mentioned in Grand Theft Auto V on the radio where it is said that a court ruled that Cris and his program are no longer recognized as a religion by the United States and are no longer exempt from taxation. Cris is then mentioned to be crying on the steps of the court house after the hearing.

Later on, after Michael De Santa has completed several missions in The Truth series of missions, Cris calls Michael during Exercising the Truth and tells him he's very interested in his progress. After completing Exercising the Truth, Cris Formage personally calls for Michael to the Epsilon Program Center. If Michael chooses to steal the money, Cris will call Michael and threaten him for betraying him but is not seen again in the game.

„You fucking traitor! After all we've done for you!”
Cris to Michael after he steals the money at the end of The Truth series

After completion of The Truth missions, a slideshow can be seen at the Epsilon Building which displays a book, We All Came From The Same Tree written by Cris Formage.


  • Seeking the Truth (Hang)
  • Exercising the Truth (Hang)
  • Unknowing the Truth (Vezető)



  • On the promotional posters and the in-game website, Cris' skin color is notably lighter and his hair is black. However, when seen in person, his skin color is light brown and his hair color is dark auburn.
  • Cris Formage is a clear parody of scientology figures David Miscavige and L. Ron Hubbard, incorporating various elements of both figures' personalities and histories.
  • Like Lazlow, Fernando Martinez, Jack Howitzer and the Love Fist members, Formage is also a surviving character from the continuity of the 3D Universe.
  • The word "formage" if pronounced like how Cris pronounces his last name, is quite similar to "fromage", which is French for "cheese".
  • Cris' phone number is 328-555-0160.
  • According to GTA Online, it is apparent that Cris is actually some kind of very powerful deity-like being, as he greets you upon your first death and returns you to life.